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Issue Title
Vol 14 (2022) Integration with filters Abstract   1. [PDF]
Emanuele Bottazzi, Monroe Eskew
Vol 7 (2015) Interpreter for topologists Abstract   6. [PDF]
Jindrich Zapletal
Logic and Analysis Vol 1 (2007-8) Introducing Logic and Analysis Details   Pdf
Nigel Cutland
Logic and Analysis Vol 1 (2007-8) Inverse problem for cuts Details   61-89
Renling Jin
Vol 16 (2024) K-theory of co-existentially closed continua Abstract   1. [PDF]
Christopher J. Eagle, Joshua Lau
Vol 7 (2015) Limit laws and automorphism groups of random nonrigid structures Abstract   2. [PDF]
Ove Ahlman, Vera Koponen
Vol 12 (2020) Limiting probability measures Abstract   1. [PDF]
Irfan Alam
Vol 5 (2013) Lipschitz functions on topometric spaces Abstract   8. [PDF]
Itaï Ben Yaacov
Vol 1 (2009) Localic completion of generalized metric spaces II: Powerlocales Details   11. [PDF]
Steven Vickers
Vol 10 (2018) Locally compact Stone duality Abstract   2. [PDF]
Tristan Bice, Charles Starling
Vol 3 (2011) Locating subsets of B(H) relative to seminorms inducing the strong-operator topology Details   3. [PDF]
Douglas Bridges
Vol 10 (2018) Long reals Abstract   1. [PDF]
David Aspero, Konstantinos Tsaprounis
Vol 6 (2014) Measure, category and projective wellorders Abstract   8. [PDF]
Vera Fischer, Sy David Friedman, Yurii Khomskii
Vol 3 (2011) Minima and best approximations in constructive analysis Details   5. [PDF]
Matthew Hendtlass, Peter Schuster
Vol 12 (2020) Model theory of R-trees Abstract   3. [PDF]
Sylvia Carlisle, C Ward Henson
Vol 13 (2021) Models of true arithmetic are integer parts of models of real exponentation Abstract   3. [PDF]
Merlin Carl, Lothar Sebastian Krapp
Vol 1 (2009) Modular functionals and perturbations of Nakano spaces Details   1. [PDF]
Itaï Ben Yaacov
Vol 4 (2012) More reverse mathematics of the Heine-Borel Theorem Details   6. [PDF]
Jeffry L Hirst, Jessica Miller
Vol 16 (2024) Multi-level nonstandard analysis and the axiom of choice Abstract   5. [PDF]
Karel Hrbacek
Vol 7 (2015) Near equivalence on metric spaces and a nonstandard central limit theorem Abstract   3. [PDF]
Charles Geyer, Bernardo Borba de Andrade
Vol 10 (2018) New effective bounds for the approximate common fixed points and asymptotic regularity of nonexpansive semigroups Abstract   7. [PDF]
Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki
Logic and Analysis Vol 1 (2007-8) Noetherian varieties in definably complete structures Details   187-204
Tamara Servi
Logic and Analysis Vol 1 (2007-8) Nonlinear stochastic integrals for hyperfinite Lévy processes Details   91-129
Tom Lindstrøm
Vol 1 (2009) Nonstandard hulls of locally exponential Lie algebras Details   5. [PDF]
Isaac Goldbring
Vol 12 (2020) On factoring of unlimited integers Abstract   5. [PDF]
Karel Hrbacek
76 - 100 of 148 Items << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 > >>